Tag Archives: Vericoin

Crypto: the birth of economic secularism?

All hail my masterful photoshop skills.

  So it appears we just witnessed the 2008 bank bailout, but in characteristically rapid crypto-time. At least, that is what many of the more vocal twitter voices (oxymoron?) would have us believe. The Mintpal hack, the theft of 8 million Vericoins, and the subsequent hard-fork, or bailing out, could scarcely have come at a more crazy moment; just as ...

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MintPal resumes VeriCoin withdrawals after successful rollback


MintPal began allowing VeriCoin withdrawals today according to their latest official update and at least one user on twitter. The VeriCoin that you hold on the MintPal exchange will be unaffected thanks to the VeriCoin developers. As we previously announced, the VRC developers have worked tirelessly to perform something never before done by a cryptocurrency and rollback the blockchain in order to reverse ...

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VeriCoin releases VeriBit, making seamless Bitcoin payments a reality.


Yesterday evening, Twitter user @ScottAllyn ordered a pizza for 68 VeriCoins (video below) at a restaurant using Bitcoin as payment. To do so, he used a service called VeriBit which allows users to seamlessly spend their VRC (VeriCoin) as Bitcoin to make purchases at any merchant accepting Bitcoin.   No longer do holders of VeriCoin need to send their coin over ...

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