
Reddcoin Broadcast launches, allows the community to spread your message

Reddcoin aims to be “the social currency”, and it’s things like the newly launched Reddcoin Broadcast platform that are going to make it uniquely social when compared to others.

Reddcoin Broadcast is what’s been labelled a crowd-speaking platform, the most popular of which to date is known as Thunderclap. Where crowd-funding allows you to raise funds if you meet your targets, crowd-speaking allows you to raise social awareness instead.

A campaign is created, with a message to be shared. If it’s accepted by the community moderators, it’ll be shown on the website for people to back using their social media accounts. If it reaches its target number of supporters, the message is put out via all of their social media accounts at the same time — causing a huge influx of awareness, and likely spreading even further than the original number of supporters by way of shares or retweets.


It will also be able to used in order to tip a person or organisation in mass. For example, a current project aims to thank a journalist for their article on Yahoo - and includes a tipping code for the tip bot within the message that will be shared.

The fact that it’s solely for Reddcoin-related projects (as far as I’m aware) means it’s also a double-whammy of sorts. Not only does the individual campaign or project message get out there, but Reddcoin itself gets an influx of social media mentions at the very same time.

It’s certainly a neat tool for a cryptocurrency community to have in place — and is the kind of unique idea that all coins should be trying to come up with in order to differentiate themselves.

You can thank me for this article on Reddcoin Broadcast too if you wish, I wouldn’t mind… I promise.

Reddcoin: RatcSvTHSWwNvRstNLC5bWD3dUPWsro2oj

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