A successful launch: Here’s what’s next for Coin Joint


I want to start this by saying a big thank you to everybody who has read the site since we launched two weeks ago. The four of us dove into this project with only a hope that somebody might wish to read it.

In the last two weeks, we’ve had great support from readers of various coins’ communities, as well as from the developers of coins and applications that we have been in contact with so far. It’s been an awesome couple of weeks, number of readers has far exceeded our expectations at this early stage, and our team is working together as smooth as anything.

The support so far has meant we can invest more of our coins and our time into the site and its future.

A new website design:

It may seem unusual that we are working on a redesign of the website after just two weeks, but we had always kind of considered the original layout and design as a beta test of sorts. Now that we’ve reached this point, we want to show off our content in an even better manner — and we figured it’s going to be easier to do it now than leave it until later.

You can see a screenshot of the almost finished design above. We hope that the new design — and in particular the home page — will work as a hub of our latest content. Easily showing off the different types of content we have on offer.

Branching out into different forms of media:

Speaking of different types of content, that’s something else we are planning to bring you in the near future. We are most definitely going to be bringing you some video content  (you can subscribe to the YouTube channel in advance should you wish), which will include various types of content that could range from video interviews and news updates, to full on video product reviews.

On top of that we are toying with the idea of launching a Coin Joint podcast. It’s an early idea right now, but it’s something we most definitely have the capabilities of offering within our team. We hope to offer more on this when our ideas are more formed on the matter.

Please stick around…

If you’re here reading this, you’re probably one of those who has been supporting us so far, and we hope you stick around to see how we develop this thing in the future. We only plan to improve and increase our coverage over time.

If you’ve enjoyed us so far, the best way you can support us is by spreading our content and telling your friends — if you want to go over and above our expectations, feel free to leave us a tip.

Thanks again for reading Coin Joint,

Bobby Gooding
Editor - Coin Joint

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