
Ghostcoin: A PoS coin with increasing rewards

Ghostcoin is just over a month old now. It’s a proof-of-stake coin (PoS) that’s particularly interesting due to the idea of increasing reward amounts over the first six years.

The initial 20% of a total 750 million Ghostcoin (GHC) are to be distributed by proof-of-work mining during the first three months. After that, proof-of-stake takes over, with an initial 20% PoS reward percentage. This percentage will increase to 25% after two years, and 30% after another two years — finally dropping down to a permanent 5% PoS reward after two more years.

With other PoS coins such as Mintcoin choosing to reduce the rewards, and often doing so sooner than two years at a time, it will be interesting to see what happens — and how it will influence holders of the coin to behave. It’s often questioned whether or not PoS could harm a coin by discouraging spending — a question that remains unanswered really at this early stage.

So far Ghostcoin is mostly being traded on C-CEX, and has held a fairly steady value over the last month (despite most having decreased in value) by never really dropping below 25 Satoshi — and appears to have returned to holding this similar value after an apparent pump to about 75 Satoshi last week.


Other notable points are that there was a 1% pre-mine for “Development, Future Projects, Maintenance and Distribution to Community”, and the coin has 30 second block times.

Visit the Ghostcoin website for more details, latest wallets and such — and do share your thoughts on the coin in the comments below. Are you holding any?

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